Giraffes Floated to Safety from Flooded Kenyan Island
NAIROBI, March 4 – Rescuers have succeeded in moving to safety another giraffe marooned in a flooded island on Lake Baringo in the Kenyan...
Rescue Fund Created for Mara Conservancies Hit by COVID-19 Pandemic
Nairobi, Nov 25 - A new $5 million fund has been created to help wildlife conservancies that border Kenya's renowned Mara National Reserve to...
WWF Report Underlines Humanity’s Catastrophic Destruction of Nature
Nairobi, Sept 11 – A new report by the conservation group WWF provides unequivocal evidence that nature is unravelling and that humanity’s destruction of...
A Review of the Nairobi National Park Plan 2020-2030
Restoration calls for good science to guide management
By David Western
Nairobi, July 22 - Nairobi National Park (NNP) was gazetted as Kenya’s first park in...
COVID-19: Persecution of Bats Unjustified
By Curtis Abraham
Kampala, June 29 - Various species of bats, key environmental service providers, are being persecuted and exterminated in parts of the world...
Rafiki, Uganda’s Charismatic Mountain Gorilla Killed
By Curtis Abraham
Kampala, June 16 - The global lockdown to stem the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic appears to have indirectly led to the...
China Raises Protection For Pangolins By Removing Scales From Medicine List
The latest version of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for 2020 does not include pangolins, which means the mammals will no longer be used in traditional...
Kenya’s Single Use Plastic Ban in Protected Areas Takes Effect
Nairobi, June 5 - Kenya is marking the 2020 World Environment Day by banning single-use plastic in protected natural areas.
Plastic pollution is one of...
Ray of Hope As Elephant Makes Historic 78km Trek
Koya, 23, walked with her family from Samburu to Marsabit county, experts say it suggests freedom for the animals
In Summary
• Experts believe that Koya’s...
Hell’s Gate Needs Tender Loving Care – Not the Love Festival
by Paula Kahumbu
Nairobi, Jan 21 - Many people are shocked, as I am, by the approval given to hold two large-scale public events in...