Writer Guidelines for Swara Magazine – The Journal of The East African Wildlife Society

Thank you for contributing to the voice of conservation in East Africa.

Swara champions accuracy, quality journalism and scientific expertise. Given the decline of wildlife, habitats, and the many issues we address, we welcome your dedication and thoughtful reporting.

Below a few guidelines that will enhance readership, conform style, reflect well on you as an author, and further the cause

  • Kindly run your story through spell check before submitting. Grammarly is a free online service. https://www.grammarly.com
  • Italicize names of publications, such as Swara
  • Italicize Latin species names.
  • For common names of fauna, capitalize the first word, as in
    • Abbot’s duiker
    • Blue duiker
    • Red duiker
    • Cape buffalo
  • For common names of birds, capitalize the first word as well as type of bird:
    • Meyer’s Parrot
    • Brown Parrot
  • Eschew doctoral titles, i.e. Richard Leakey, not Dr. Richard Leakey.
  • Strive for accuracy. Fact check your figures, quotes and analyses. Show your final draft to a professional friend (reporter, teacher) before submitting.
  • Cite other sources, quote other people, even in an Opinion piece.
  • Strive for a balanced report.
  • On stories of wildlife decline and negative situations, provide some information about what is being done to address the problem, and/or how readers can take action.
  • Travel stories should include a sidebar on How To Get There.
  • Submit a head shot and Bio of no more than 15 words with your story.


  • End of November for the January issue.
  • End February for the April issue.
  • End of May for the July issue
  • End of July for the October issue.


High resolution photographs can be transferred free via WeTransfer to Art Director George Okello bishopokello07@gmail.com

Kindly provide a brief caption, and Photo credit, to him via email.